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Drug Addiction Treatment Programs

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People who have developed a chemical dependency can benefit on several levels from participating in drug addiction treatment programs. A quality treatment program not only helps people achieve sobriety, but it can also help them overcome the underlying problems that contribute to addiction. Those who are interested in substance abuse treatment, be it for themselves or a loved one, can call (800) 660-0986 for assistance with locating and choosing drug abuse programs.

Deciding to Get Help for Substance Abuse

The decision to seek help for drug addiction may not come quickly. Addiction or long-term substance abuse can affect the brain and thought processes, which can strengthen the perceived need to continue using. A person may feel as if he needs the substance as much as he needs food or water, and this urge can lead the mind to rationalize and minimize the impact of drug use. Signs that a person may benefit from a drug addiction treatment program include:

  • Difficulties meeting financial, family, work, and social obligations and responsibilities.
  • A tendency to prioritize using or obtaining the substance over other obligations.
  • High-risk behaviors or legal troubles related to drug use.
  • A high tolerance to the substance or withdrawal symptoms when not using.

If you believe that someone in your life needs help with drug addiction, consider hosting an intervention with a specialist and close friends and family. The person may not be willing to enter a drug abuse program, but your continued support and urging may help change his mind. In some cases, a person who is in danger can be entered into rehabilitation involuntarily. While it’s commonly stated that people cannot recover unless they want to, involuntary commitment is sometimes successful. Detoxification and support can help the person think more clearly and choose recovery.

Inpatient and Outpatient Drug Addiction Treatment

Heroin Addiction Treatment Programs

heroin addiction Heroin addiction can lead to serious consequences if not treated in time, but thankfully, heroin addiction treatment is relatively simple and easy to come by, especially if expert help is sought. Getting in touch with a free, confidential, helpline can really improve your chances of overcoming your addiction, so call 1-800-660-0986 to discuss your options for heroin addiction treatment today.

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A treatment program can be on an inpatient or outpatient basis. The best option depends on the individual, as people have different medical and psychological needs during recovery.

Inpatient treatment may include medically assisted detox to help a person come off a drug safely and more comfortably than he would without medical assistance. This is especially helpful for substances such as heroin and cocaine. Treatment in a rehabilitation clinic typically includes counseling and group support, as well. Proper nutrition and exercise are also promoted to help people improve their health and cope with stress. Prior to leaving rehab, patients are usually referred to outpatient programs for continued support in the community. Those who need a high level of support to maintain sobriety or cope with coexisting mental health issues may also have the option of moving into a residential program or sober house following inpatient treatment.

Outpatient treatment is typically provided by physicians, psychologists and psychiatrists, and social workers. People who are addicted to heroin or opiates may be referred to a methadone clinic for a substitution to assist them through treatment; however, people who are not comfortable with visiting methadone clinics may be prescribed suboxone by a primary care physician. An outpatient treatment plan often includes goals and assistance for mental and physical health as well as social support. The plan is customized to cater to the individual’s needs.

Regardless of whether people receive help on an inpatient or outpatient basis, they may be encouraged to participate in family or marital therapy in addition to addiction treatment. This helps couples and families identify and adjust for any dynamics that create additional stress in the home environment. A well-rounded drug abuse program focuses on all of the contributing factors to addiction, as well as the many facets of achieving and maintaining a healthy mind and body.

Support Groups

support groupSupport groups are often a primary component of substance abuse treatment, as they provide people with a supportive network. Developing relationships with sober, supportive people can be incredibly helpful when overcoming addiction. The network provides an opportunity for people to make new friends and share their struggles openly, which can help them stay away from people who may encourage drug abuse or make it more difficult to avoid. Support groups for drug addiction include Narcotics Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous, and Secular Organizations for Sobriety (SOS).

Treatment: What Matters Most?

In 2016, Recovery Brands conducted a survey asking patients leaving a recovery clinic what center attributes they viewed as vital aspects to look for in a treatment program. The most important priority was the center’s financial policies, for example, financial support, payment options, and insurance accepted. They also prioritized the clinic’s offerings (food, room quality, extra activities, etc.) significantly more after completing treatment. Those considering treatment may want to consider a facility’s monetary policies as well as the facility’s offerings to aid in their facility choice.

People who are interested in drug addiction treatment programs for inpatient or outpatient services can call (800) 660-0986 at any time, day or night, for a free and confidential consultation.