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Faith-Based Drug And Alcohol Rehab & Detox Centers Near Me

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Fighting Drug and Alcohol Addiction with Faith-Based Rehab Treatment

Faith-based addiction recovery programs are characterized by their incorporation of religious principles into treatments aimed at addressing the issues of drug and alcohol addiction. Even though these programs might not rely on any particular religion, what they all share is the spiritual content of their sessions. Given that many people find a lot of inspiration in religion, it is reasonable to expect that including religious elements into one’s addiction recovery sessions could make these much more appealing, thus prompting better treatment outcomes. Indeed, some studies confirm that religious people could find additional strength in overcoming their addiction issues if religious principles were included in their treatment sessions.1

Even though some ideas that originate from religious sources might well have been present since the age of the first therapy sessions, the first faith-based rehab treatments in the U.S. were organized in the Emmanuel Clinic in Boston in 1906. Focused on the issues of people dealing with alcohol abuse, the treatments conducted at the Emmanuel Clinic were based on a combination of Christian principles and psychological interventions.2 3 

These events set the ground for the establishment of Alcoholics Anonymous, a well-known organization for people suffering from alcohol addiction. Based on the 12 principles and a belief in a higher power, this group established a following of millions and influenced the foundation of similar groups, such as Narcotics Anonymous and Marijuana Anonymous.2 3 

Up to this day, numerous approaches and faith-based treatment centers have been established. According to some estimates, there are currently more than 14,000 rehab centers around the U.S. A 2019 study indicates that 73 percent of these facilities offer faith-based rehab programs or at least treatments that incorporate some of the religious principles.1 4

What Does Treatment at a Faith-Based Recovery Center Include?

Like most other rehab programs, faith-based addiction recovery programs involve several phases. As soon as an applicant gets successfully admitted to the program (they could enter rehab on the same day), they go through standard procedures of evaluation and stabilization. During these phases, program participants are tested for various substances and potentially offered medication to solve their immediate physiological issues.5

After treatment-seekers are admitted to rehab and other prior steps are taken, faith-based rehab program participants usually attend therapy and counseling sessions during which their issues are discussed on a deeper level. People are encouraged to take a look at their issues from a wider, spiritual perspective. Program participants are particularly taught how not to view themselves as wrong due to their addiction issues and how to incorporate communication with God to deal with their crises.6

Besides these general program characteristics, each faith-based rehab program participant will receive a treatment specifically tailored to their personal traits. Different treatment will be provided to couples in a relationship, struggling war veterans who suffer from addiction, or people belonging to the LGBTQ community. Even male participants may have separate treatment for them. Also, depending on one’s personal circumstances, different levels of care would be applied. Those less burdened by the addiction might get acquainted with aftercare and counseling strategies or get treated on an outpatient basis. On the other hand, people with more severe forms of addiction might be referred to some of the intensive faith-based rehab treatment options, ranging from intensive inpatient and residential treatment to a full medical detox.7

What Are the Principles of Faith-Based Rehab Programs?

Addiction programs offered at faith-based rehabs are usually based on several principles associated with numerous religions, as well as some secular views. The most important of them are freedom and happiness, both of which are universal human values. Faith-based rehab treatment approaches also emphasize virtues such as selflessness, serenity, and kindness to other people. On the side of the individual’s inner self, these programs put an emphasis on freedom from guilt, mindfulness, and self-control.8 

The big principles these programs encourage their participants to strive for involve self-awareness and self-love. These two principles are essential for the development of a personality resilient to adverse outside influences. Alongside them is courage in challenging circumstances. All of these treatment principles have a goal of developing participants’ inner peace and a connection with a higher power, which proponents of faith-based rehab programs view as crucial for success.8

How Can Program Participants Benefit From Faith-Based Addiction Recovery Programs?

Programs at faith-based mental health treatment centers undoubtedly center around religion and God. Besides a great potential to reach a sober living, several features of these programs stand out as their main benefits. First of all, there is an introduction of a religious community of support. A group of people so deeply connected on the basis of religion builds a strong system that could offer substantial help to a person striving for recovery.9

Religious coping skills comprise another important aspect of faith-based recovery center programs. Some of these skills, such as meditation and prayer, are known for their efficiency in stimulating positive outcomes in people suffering from mental health issues, including addiction. Finally, there is a powerful identity-building feature of faith-based rehab programs. People who attend religious addiction recovery programs tend to find answers that could help them find the overall meaning of life and their place in the world.9

Despite these upsides, there are positive features that are more characteristic of non-religious, science-based rehab programs. For example, non-faith-based approaches usually focus on the root cause of a problem without going much into the general explanations offered by religious treatments. Moreover, these approaches call for the empowerment of individual participants; they are wary of views that depict people as powerless over a higher power, which is so typical for religious programs.10 

Non-religious approaches are also more inclusive by, for instance, offering support for an entire family regardless of the religious differences that may exist within. Finally, non-religious approaches pay closer attention to empirical evidence, thus providing a strong case for the belief that they can treat a person in a comprehensive manner.10

What Types of Faith-Based Rehab Treatment Options Do Exist Out There?

There are many faith-based treatment options for prospective participants willing to overcome their addiction issues. Some of these programs are, for example, solely focused on Christian believers. Such programs usually instruct their participants to engage in a Christian lifestyle. To that end, program attendees frequently take part in worship services or read the Bible. Other types of faith-based rehab programs are more focused on practices that are typical of all religions, the most notable examples of which are prayer and meditation.11

What is the Duration of a Faith-Based Rehab Treatment?

Faith-Based addiction recovery programs differ in terms of length. The length of each program is usually determined by the severity of the participants’ cases. Milder cases of alcohol or drug addiction can usually be effectively treated on an outpatient basis or by attending a short intensive treatment, usually lasting between 3 and 7 days. On the other hand, more severe cases are better suited for long-term programs. The option offered at most faith-based mental health treatment centers includes a month-long stay at a chosen facility. More thorough treatment lasts for as long as 60 days, or even 90. There is even an option for patients to stay at a facility for longer if their individual situation warrants it.12

How long any particular participant will stay at a faith-based recovery center is mostly decided on a case-by-case basis and depends on the level of care needed by each individual. It is expected that a person who needs a lower level of care might not need much treatment, whereas someone deeply suffering from addiction might require longer care that involves medical detox.7

How to Choose the Right Faith-Based Recovery Center?

Presented with so many options, prospective faith-based rehab program participants might end up confused about which program to select. This issue is only one among other problems associated with choosing rehab. In these circumstances, prospective attendees are encouraged to look for a center that possesses some desirable qualities. One of the most important is the track record. Future attendees are advised to see how potential faith-based addiction recovery programs fare in terms of longevity. A program that helped people for a long time and did so in a transparent manner is certainly a safe bet to consider.13

Other criteria to take into account include medical staff and accreditation from third-party organizations. A faith-based rehab center that employs reputable doctors and the quality of which is confirmed by institutions of authority (such as SAMHSA or The Joint Commission) is one worthy of consideration. Similar holds for centers with high success rates and wide alumni networks.13

Do Insurance Schemes Cover Faith-Based Rehab Programs?

Once a person decides to apply to a rehab center, the question arises concerning the level of insurance support. For many people of low-paying capacity, cheap and occasionally free state-funded rehabs are the only option.14 The good news for these people is that they can oftentimes find affordable treatment offered by Christian organizations such as Christian Healthcare Ministries.15

People having more options at their disposal are encouraged to search for arrangements that could be provided by major insurance companies. Some of the companies that cover faith-based rehab addiction treatments include Aetna, Amerigroup, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Humana, and United Healthcare Anthem Blue Cross. Further information on any of these providers can be found via our hotlines or by using our online search tool, as all of the providers belong to American Addiction Centers’ (AAC) network.16

How to Find a Faith-Based Rehab Center Near Me?

To find the right faith-based rehab treatment for them, prospective applicants might use several tools. One of them is SAMHSA’s national helpline, available to everyone on a 24/7 basis. Via this helpline, people can get informed about treatment programs offered in their proximity, as well as their characteristics and duration.17 Another option is to use AAC’s online search tool or call our helpline to request assistance. Our navigators will be ready to help anyone interested in finding a treatment that is most suitable to their preferences.18 19

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Anxiety Be Treated In a Faith-Based Rehab Program?

Even though it is not directly covered by them, faith-based rehabs can have a positive side effect of helping people lessen their concomitant anxiety symptoms. There are also faith-based programs directly aimed at resolving anxiety, regardless of whether one suffers from addiction as well. These programs show significant efficiency, particularly due to their widespread use of mindfulness and meditation, both of which are well-known anxiety relievers.20 

What Drugs Are Covered by a Faith-Based Drug Rehabilitation Program?

Drugs that are most commonly used by addiction sufferers (such as cocaine or meth) are usually covered by faith-based rehab programs.21 To find out whether any particular drug is covered by a rehab center of choice, check with their administrators or call our helpline.

Can Faith-Based Rehab Programs Help Non-Religious People?

Faith-based rehabs are likely not as effective for non-religious people as they are for religious people. This probably has to do with the fact that non-religious people might not readily adapt to lessons that are taught at faith-based therapy sessions. However, this does not mean that some aspects of faith-based rehab programs might not help non-religious people. Practices such as meditation are known to have positive effects on one’s mental health regardless of one’s beliefs.22