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Individual Addiction Counseling Information

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Individual addiction counseling is available for those who wish to take part in a detoxification program but do not wish to do so with a group. This counseling focuses on the problem of addiction faced by the individual, and then works with behavioral therapy and other methods to eliminate the use of the addictive substance.

addiction-counselorIndividual addiction counseling may focus on how the individual relies on drugs or alcohol, instead of how the individual is interacting with family and society. There are over 13,000 drug and alcohol treatment facilities in the United States that work with individuals to discuss addiction and to work on a method of keeping the individual away from addictive substances. If you or someone you know would like more information about finding an addiction counselor, call 800-660-0986.

Types of Individual Drug Abuse Counseling Services

Individual counseling can take place in a medical facility such as a doctor’s office, or can be completed by counselors, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, or nurses. Treatment forms come as inpatient services, where the person would stay at the location until detoxification is complete, or outpatient services, which allow that person to work, come, and go. Any setting is appropriate for an intervention, but the individual setting for each person receiving therapy is altered to suit individual needs.

Individual counseling may take place along with a detoxification program. A detoxification program has medically-managed withdrawal at the same time as the patient visits a psychiatrist or psychologist. Since withdrawal can become dangerous if not completed properly, the medically-managed withdrawal is commenced during psychological treatments. This helps the patient work through the emotional stress of the detoxification, as well as helping him or her start to change the behaviors that caused the addiction in the first place. If you would like more information about drug withdrawal and medically-managed withdrawal services, call 800-660-0986.

Drug Recovery After Individual Counseling Treatment

Outpatient Options for Addiction Services

Outpatient-Options-for-Addiction.jpgOutpatient options can be vital to a person’s ability to work with addiction services to become sober. Outpatient services allow patients to continue working, interacting, and living their lives while they receive treatment. Some forms of outpatient treatment include behavioral therapy and some forms of medically-monitored detoxification.

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Individual counseling is likely to be completed throughout a drug or alcohol treatment program, and then continued after the program is completed. The purpose of individual counseling is to keep the patient in a positive mind frame and to support his or her choice to stop using the drugs or alcohol that caused the addiction in prior situations. Individual counseling is normally an outpatient visit, meaning that you would only visit when an appointment is made and for check-ups.

Additionally, the therapist may visit the patient’s home to see the surroundings and how the patient interacts with others. After the detoxification, the therapist may work with the patient to teach him or her how to interact more positively in day-to-day life, or how to re-enter jobs or social situations, if those situations had been lost due to the addiction.

The purpose of individual addiction counseling after detoxification is that the medical providers can still maintain a focus on the patient, while supporting the patient in everyday life. This helps the therapists or doctors know if the patient has lapsed, as well. People who are interested in learning more about the many detoxification programs available should call 800-660-0986 or fill out a short contact form.