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Addiction Treatment Options for High Profile and Celebrity Patients

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The world often finds out quickly that a well-known performing artist or actor has been compelled to seek treatment for substance or behavioral addiction. However, there are many high profile and celebrity patients who do not seek addiction treatment precisely because of fear of publicity or perceived lack of confidentiality. These addiction sufferers may not be celebrities whose names are known to the press and who are idolized by fans, but instead, they are often powerful executives, successful businesspeople and professionals, and other community leaders who have much to lose if their addiction becomes known to the people among whom they work and socialize.

Celebrity and high profile addiction treatment options therefore must be wholly confidential, so that colleagues, clients and even family members are not made aware that a patient is being treated for addiction. These treatment programs must also allow the patient to continue his or her normal activities as much as possible, so that either outpatient therapy or intensive short-term inpatient therapy are the best options for celebrity and high-profile patients.

If you or someone close to you needs to get help for an addiction problem, and fears loss of status in the community or stands to suffer financial or other career losses in the event others are apprised of any addiction issues, please contact our help line at (800) 660-0986 or fill out our form in the strictest confidentiality. We will only use your information to help you find a program that is made for helping the most successful and high-profile people break substance or behavioral addictions without compromising their careers.

Inpatient Treatment for High Profile and Celebrity Patients

High profile and celebrity individuals are accustomed to a luxurious atmosphere at home, in the workplace, and during vacations or leisure activities. Therefore, the surroundings in which a high profile or celebrity addict would want to obtain rehabilitation treatment would need to be sufficiently luxurious for the patient to feel that the treatment is just an extension of his or her successful lifestyle.

Addictions Treatment by Type

If you are suffering from one or multiple addictions, treatment options are widely available. It is possible for individuals to become addicted to many different substances and develop many addictive behavior patterns, which is why there are wide arrays of treatment programs designed to handle virtually any form of addictive behavior. For some individuals, it is easy to determine the type of treatment needed.

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Centers with a proven track record of treating celebrities, especially celebrities with whom a potential patient may have had personal contact, also help to remove the stigma of treatment. When a celebrity has seen fit to announce that he or she has been treated successfully at a certain center, other high profile and celebrity patients will feel more comfortable at that location, even if they themselves would rather maintain confidentiality. When the patient who is being treated cannot neglect his or her business or professional responsibilities even during treatment, the treatment center must take this into account and allow the patient access to his or her work and clients as often as possible and without compromising the treatment regimen.

In some cases, treatment is condensed into as short a period of time as possible. This works very well for the highly motivated patient who realizes the nature of the addiction problem and wants to deal with it quickly and decisively. Such intensive residential therapy can then be followed up with outpatient therapy.

High Profile and Celebrity Outpatient Therapy

Outpatient therapy for high profile and celebrity patients is almost always individualized. It must take the patient’s lifestyle and responsibilities into account, as a high-achieving individual is not about to change careers or lifestyles except in very unusual and specific instances.

Therapy often takes place at the patient’s home or place of business, so that his or her routine is disrupted as little as possible. The counselor provides therapy that is based around the patient’s activities and responsibilities, and this therapy guides the patient to find healthy avenues to deal with issues that may indeed arise due to career related pressures, but that the patient cannot avoid by making changes to his or her career or by giving up important responsibilities. However, especially in the case of entrepreneurs or business executives, therapy can be accompanied with business consultation that assists the patient in better managing his or her affairs so as to avoid the negative stimuli that may have led to addiction.

High achievers need addiction therapy that lets them continue to achieve while they break their addiction to substances or behaviors that actually may keep them from achieving in the long term.