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Drug and Alcohol Addiction Help for Women Only

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Addiction to drugs or alcohol is a problem that affects women from all walks of life. The most responsible person can wake up one day to discover her life has been taken over by substance abuse. Chronic alcohol and drug abuse alters brain circuitry and over time affects every physical system. Although some women seem to be able to use recreational drugs or alcohol without apparent ill effects, many others may find themselves sliding down the slope to drug abuse or addiction. If this describes you or someone you know, you are not alone: there are a number of women-only drug and alcohol addiction rehab options, including specialty addiction care.

The courageous first step in getting help is recognizing the need. Drug and alcohol problems are often progressive, moving from drug abuse to addiction over time. How this process unfolds depends on the individual, but there are common signs.

Signs of Drug or Alcohol Abuse

There are several signs of growing substance abuse:

  • Neglecting responsibilities as a result of substance abuse-e.g., missing work or school, neglecting family duties.
  • Legal trouble due to substance use-e.g., driving under the influence, disorderly conduct, stealing.
  • Increased risk-taking associated with substance abuse-e.g., driving under the influence, having unprotected sex.
  • Relationship problems-e.g., fights with family, husband or boyfriend; loss of friends who don’t want to partake.

These incidents may become more frequent and severe over time, and drug or alcohol use may become a daily occurrence.

Signs of Drug or Alcohol Addiction

Addiction can develop gradually or quickly, depending on the individual. As with substance abuse, there are some common signs:

  • Built-up tolerance to drugs or alcohol-i.e., you need more of the drug or alcohol to achieve the same results.
  • Self-treating to stave off withdrawal symptoms-i.e., you need to drink or take drugs to avoid unpleasant withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, insomnia and negative emotions.
  • A life revolving around drinking or drug use-i.e., you plan your activities around your drinking or drug use, spending a lot of time and energy thinking about getting the substance and using it, and experiencing more and more down time as you recover from overuse.
  • Out-of-control drug use-i.e., you feel powerless to stop drinking or using drugs, and you often drink or use more than you planned, despite your best intentions.
  • Drinking or using drugs despite knowing their bad effects-i.e., you continue to drink or use drugs even though you know they’re creating physical or mental-health issues, such as frequent infections, blackouts and emotional problems.

Getting Help

While addiction is a serious problem, the good news is that there is hope. There are a number of addiction treatment options for women, and free, private assistance in finding specialty addiction care is available 24/7. If you’re interested in learning more about how to get help for yourself or a loved one, call 800-660-0986, or fill out the contact form. You’ll be matched up with the assistance you need, quickly, professionally and confidentially.