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The Top Alcoholism Recovery Support Programs

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There are many alcoholism recovery support programs available around the United States. The two major support programs are Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anonand and Alateen. Alcoholics Anonymous focuses on those who have drinking problems, while Al-Anon and Alateen works with those who have been affected by others’ drinking. Both programs work with those who have dealt with the side effects of alcoholism and work to provide a better understanding of the disease. Alcoholics Anonymous does work in combination with programs like Al-Anon, which is a family group. Together, the groups can provide a more stable home environment for the person with a drinking problem and for those around him or her.

Overview of Alcoholics Anonymous and Other Alcoholic Support Groups

Alcoholics Anonymous, also called AA, is a fellowship of men and women that come together to share experiences in their lives related to drinking. This group is supportive of each other, and helps each member interact and find the support he or she needs from the others in similar situations. Membership is free. There are no fees, dues, or other monetary donations necessary. The one request that AA has is that members have a desire to stop drinking. The group also provides a 12-step program to sobriety. This group is not associated with any institutions, organizations, politics, denomination, or religious sect. The main goal of Alcoholics Anonymous is to help members become sober. Meetings are confidential, as well.

The Spiritual Side of Addiction Treatment

Rehabilitation for drug and alcohol addiction often focuses on four key areas: mental health, physical health, social support, and spirituality. The spiritual aspect does not necessarily revolve around a specific religion, though some churches and pastors do provide support and counseling for substance abuse. Instead, recovery literature and support groups often encourage people to appeal to a higher power.

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Al-Anon and Alateen work with the families of alcoholics to assist in the healing process. Like AA, this program has a 12-step program that members can follow. There are no dues or fees to attend meetings, although groups may pass a voluntary contribution basket around at meetings. This group is not religious, but it is based in spirituality. All religions are accepted at the meetings. The purpose of this group is to help those affected by alcoholism become free of the negative behaviors of others.

To find either of these programs in your area, you can visit them online or call 800-660-0986 for more information. Each group meets in multiple locations around most states, so finding one near you is the first step to the healing process.

To locate Alcoholics Anonymous, you can visit the official website or call the number above. The official AA website has a list of the states, followed by information on finding meetings. These are listed in alphabetical order by location. There are also meetings you may attend in Canada. These meetings are also split up by each territory and location. The site also has information about online meetings and a local AA office directory for those overseas. General conference area websites are listed for the US and Canada as well. The AA website also allows members to view information about getting involved in the community, as well as providing links to corrections offices, treatment centers, information for those with special needs, international websites and meetings, and more.

Recovery Support For Families of Alcoholics

Alateen and Al-Anon works on the other end of alcoholism, with those who have had difficulties due to others’ drinking habits. Community-based Al-Anon meetings can be found on the Al-Anon Information Services website, which can help you become connected to Al-Anon groups in your area. Each directory provides information on getting in contact with groups in the US and Canada. The Al-Anon national offices can help those outside of the US or Canada find a local meeting or group. Al-Anon also puts together some online meetings. These electronic meetings may be completed on the Internet. Others may be done through a conference call on the telephone. These meetings are intended to be supplemental to the meetings held by face-to-face Al-Anon members.